


Greetings and welcome to Polyson!

We have been a family-run business for 32 years and counting, and have built a long-standing relationship for consistently high quality products, accommodating delivery times, friendly and personable service as well as competitive pricing.

A great testament to our ability to excel in the aforementioned areas is the fact that we have not had a website until our 27th year of business, and have relied solely on word of mouth from our loyal customers, some of whom have urged us to acquire a website! Please have a look around the website to see what products and services that we offer you, as well as what makes our company so unique.

Did you know?

The majority of polyethylene produced in North America is a by-product of natural gas – polyethylene is in fact derived from a waste product of the natural gas (used to heat our homes, etc.). The advent of a plastic has enabled this waste product to be redirected into a usable (and reusable) product instead of being burned (released) into the environment. In fact, most shopping bags (for example) are reused multiple times. Interestingly, plastic bags create only one third of the CO2 emissions than their paper counterparts, per-use. Further, according to a study commissioned by the U.K. Environment Agency in 2007, on a per-use basis, polyethylene shopping bags produce fewer carbon emissions than permanent, cloth bags, and were found to be only 0.5% as destructive to the climate as cloth bags on an average per-use basis.